
Autumn 2024
21 Sept – 05 Oct | 19 Oct – 26/ 27 Oct  1 | 2 Weeks or 10 days

Spring 2025
26 April – 10 May | 24 May – 14 June  1 | 2 Weeks or 10 days

Whether you are a scientist, artist, entrepreneur, or other professional, one of the most valuable and powerful things you can do for yourself and your company is to take a sabbatical. We need time away to reflect, dream, focus, write, get sparkling ideas, and take new steps.

Innovative ideas usually don’t come when setting at your desk. In order to renew and unleash an innovative power in your life , it can be very helpful to take time off from your daily life.
Not only in times of pressure or crisis, but also when everything is running smoothly a sabbatical leave will help you tapping into your own potential and creativity.

Artisa’s approach

ARTISA’s inspiring environment helps to get the best out of you. By our tailor-made professional and practical care, by interesting dialogues and support when needed. Also by the beauty of the place, the energy, inspiration and silence that is present.
Especially at the beginning or end of a sabbatical leave it can be very useful to stay with us. To make the transition from your daily routine to a new road untraveled of a sabbatical leave as well as making a smooth and meaningful transition back to working life after the sabbatical leave.

The program starts with a written and personal intake. Learning objectives and needs are distilled  and a tailor made program will be made. We use an integrated approach, in which physical, mental, expressive and emotional angles are chosen. Reflection and meditation will also be used. You will receive at least 3 personal coaching sessions and guidance throughout the week.

A sabbatical at Artisa is suitable when you want to:

– to discover what is essential in your work and life
– to get inspired (again).
– to (re)orient on your career
– to (re)discover talents and possibly embark on a new career path
– step out of your daily routine and learn to tap into your creativity
– make a good transition at the start or completion of a long-term sabbatical leave

Contact – info

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to get more information, if you would like to book a place or get an intake free of charge.


‘The sabbatical week has brought me a lot of positive energy, a desire to change old patterns and get started with new things. The coaching was natural, professional, perfect timing, open questions, inviting to find your own strength. This week showed me that I don’t have to solve everything on my own and that it is very nice to have conversations in which open questions lead to different perspectives. The nice group with humor and depth was very special.’ C.M., researcher and consultant

“The coaching sessions have helped me to get out of my head into the heart, to be more open and to feel what I really need. What I liked was that Celeste doesn’t work with preplanned models and theory  but connects to what I needed at that time. I felt at home, I could be myself and I’m touched by her commitment and genuine interest, heart to heart. ” Ottoline K. general remedial educationalist

‘De omgeving en de coachingsgesprekken hebben me geinspireerd. Tijdens het verblijf heb ik verschillende lange wandeltochten gemaakt, die een positieve invloed op me hadden. Toen ik bij Artisa aankwam zat niet lekker in m’n vel. Door het verblijf in de natuur, de verzorging, de intensieve coaching en de rust heb ik de sabbatical als erg prettig ervaren. Daarnaast heb ik verschillende dingen uit het verleden een plek kunnen geven, en heb een aantal handvatten aangereikt gekregen waardoor ik me een stuk sterker en beter voel. Erg goed. ‘ A. K., psychologie student

‘ Supermooie plek, heerlijk eten, stilte en rust, helemaal onbezorgd tot jezelf komen, inspirerende en liefdevolle coaching. Fijn! ‘ F. Advocaat


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