Artist Community Living

Artist Community Living

A week of inspiration, play, discovery in a creative community

15 – 21 September at La Terra Saggia in Italy

Are you a visual artist? This week is an invitation for beginning and experiences artist, to focus on your own project, engage in enriching conversations, and inspire one another. Creating can often be a solitary endeavor, requiring deep personal investment. Immersing yourself in a community of like-minded individuals can nourish your creativity, spark inspiration, and open new pathways for your work. You are invited to experiment and to deepen your practice.

Here’s what to expect:

Daily Schedule :

• Morning: Start the day with optional yoga and meditation.

•After a delicious breakfast we do a brief check-in and then you focus on your project.

• After lunch and a siesta there is the possibility to share techniques and participate in self-organized workshops or continue working on your project

• Before dinner: We conclude with a short discussion where you can showcase your work and receive feedback.

• Dinner: Relax, unwind and enjoy a delicious meal together.

Additional Activities

• Enjoy beautiful walks in the hills and mountains.

• Explore nearby authentic villages and taste the Italian atmosphere .

Benefits of the week

• Space to experiment and focus on your work

• Opportunities to regenerate and letting go of control

• Open up to creative flow

• Develop fresh perspectives

• Sharing your passions and struggles

• Inspiration from and for fellow artists

• Becoming part of an artistic community

Target group

Beginning and advanced, parttime and fulltime artists, everybody with a longing to develop an artistic practice.

Practical Details

At the location you will find: a studio space, your own room as a workplace, our outdoor kitchen, a large garden and olive grove. You will have access to all the facilities of Artisa, including use of our pool, wifi, library space with a collection of art books and magazines.

We will take care of:

– Panels (to be able to work on), pots, cloths
– Easels (if desired)
– Sketch paper
–  Some magazines and paper (in case you want to work with collage)
– charcoal and pencils

You bring:

– Paint and brushes (acrylic, poster paint or watercolour or oil paint)
– Drawing material (pencils, markers, chalk)
– Sketchbook
– Dummy(ies)

Data : 15 – 21 September 2024
Location : La Terra Saggia, san severino, Le Marche, Italy
Fee : € 650,- All of this is offered at a reduced price, which includes private accommodation, all vegetarian meals made from fresh, local ingredients, coffee and tea breaks and snacks. Participants will take turns helping with cooking and light housework, such as setting the table and doing the dishes.

Join us for a week of artistic unity and inspiration!


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